April 2005
©2005 by NETGEAR, Inc. All rights reserved.
NETGEAR is a registered trademark of NETGEAR, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
Other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Information
is subject to change without notice.
Click OK to proceed.
If you still cannot connect to the FVS114, verify your computer networking setup.
Your computer should be set to obtain both IP and DNS server addresses
automatically, which is usually so. For help with this, please see the Reference
Manual or animated tutorials on the Resource CD.
2. Follow the Smart Wizard prompts to connect to the Internet.
3. Click Done on the Success screen and be sure to click OK at the prompt to close the
screen and finish.
Note: The configuration assistant only appears when the FVS114 is in its factory
default state. After you configure the FVS114, it will not appear again. You can
always connect to the router configuration menu to change its settings. To do so, open
a browser and go to http://www.routerlogin.net. Then, when prompted, enter admin
as the user name and password for the password both in lower case letters.
Advanced User Wizard Bypass
Technically advanced users who want to bypass the Smart Wizard configuration assistant
can do so by logging on to the firewall at http://www.routerlogin.net/basicsetting.htm
with the user name of admin and the password of password, both in lower case letters.
Troubleshooting Tips
Here are some tips for correcting common problems you may encounter.
Be sure to restart your network in this sequence:
1. Turn off and unplug the modem, turn off the FVS114, and shut down the computer.
2. Plug in and turn on the modem, wait two minutes.
3. Turn on the FVS114 and wait one minute.
4. Turn on the computer.
Make sure the Ethernet cables are securely plugged in.
• The INTERNET LINK light on the FVS114 will be lit if the Ethernet cable to the
FVS114 from the modem is plugged in securely and the modem and FVS114 are
turned on.
• For each powered on computer connected to the FVS114 with a securely plugged in
Ethernet cable, the corresponding FVS114 LOCAL port LINK light will be lit. The
front and back of the FVS114 identifies the number of each LOCAL port.
Make sure the network settings of the computer are correct.
• Ethernet cable and wirelessly connected computers should be configured to obtain IP
and DNS addresses automatically via DHCP whenever possible. For help with this,
please see the animated tutorials or the Reference Manual Appendix C on the
Resource CD.
• Some cable modem ISPs require you to use the MAC address of the computer regis-
tered on the account. If so, in the Router MAC Address section of the Basic Settings
menu, select, “Use this Computer’s MAC Address.” The firewall will then capture
and use the MAC address of the computer that you are now using. You must be using
the computer that is registered with the ISP. Click Apply to save your settings. Restart
the network in the correct sequence.
Use the FVS114 status lights to verify correct operation.
If the FVS114 Power light does not turn solid green within two minutes of turning the
firewall on, or if the Test light does not go off, reset the firewall as described in the
Reference Manual on the Resource CD.
Technical Support
Thank you for selecting NETGEAR products.
After completing the Smart Wizard configuration assistant, locate the serial number on the
bottom label of your product and use it to register your product at
Registration on the web site or over the phone is required before you can use our
telephone support service. The phone numbers for worldwide regional customer support
centers are on the Warranty and Support Information card that came with your product.
Go to http://kbserver.netgear.com for product updates and Web support.