35TRACKER950 CHARTPLOTTER Installation and Operation Manual
Display unit
1 Keep the dust cover on the display unit
during installation. Choose a location for the
unit that is easily seen and is not exposed to
the direct sun or water. To the left of the helm
is preferred for when the helmsman is
wearing polarised sunglasses.
2 Screw the mounting bracket to the boat with
four screws.
3 Loosen the knobs at each end of the display
unit and sit the unit in the bracket, with the
rubber washers between the bracket and the
Power/NMEA cable
4 Connect the Power/NMEA cable power wires
to a DC power supply between 11 and 16.6 V
DC as shown. This power supply must be
protected with a fuse or circuit breaker of
between 2 and 3 A. If it does not have this, fit
a 2 A fuse in the power supply line.
5 To enable Auto Power (see section 10),
connect the yellow Power/NMEA cable wire
to the positive power supply as shown.
If you do not want Auto Power, leave the
wire disconnected; make sure it can not
touch any other conductor.
6 Fit any external beepers and connect to the
Power/NMEA cable as shown. If the beepers
require more than 250 mA DC total, fit a relay.
7 Fit any external MOB switches and connect
to the Power/NMEA cable as shown.
8 Install the GPS or DGPS antenna following
the instructions that come with the antenna.
The antenna must be placed so that it has a
clear view of the sky.
You can cut the antenna cable to lead it
through glands or to make it shorter. Or you
can extend it by up to 30 m (100 ft):
Before cutting it, install the cable
temporarily, finish installation and test the
system (follow steps 9 to 16).
Cut the cable some distance from a
connector. Install the cable in its final place.
Reconnect the wires and braid, matching
the wire colours. Ensure the joint is
waterproof and strong; we recommend
fitting heatshrink to each wire and over
the whole joint.
10-3 Installation
Do not cut the cable near a connector and
do not try to disassemble a connector.
Test the system again.
Optional fuel kit
9 Fit the fuel kit following the instructions that
come with the kit. You can cut the transducer
wires; follow the suggestions for cutting the
antenna cable.
Setup and test
10 Plug the cables into the back of the unit:
match the colour on the end of the plug
to the colour of the nut on the socket
lock the plug in place by pushing the
locking ring towards the socket and
turning it a quarter turn clockwise
If you plug a cable into the wrong
TRACKER950 socket by mistake, nothing
will be damaged.
11 Insert a C-MAP™ cartridge (see section 1-2).
12 Unclip the dust cover. Turn the
TRACKER950 on (see section 2-4). Adjust
the angle of the display unit to be easily
seen. Tighten the mounting knobs.
13 At the Satellite Status screen, check that it
displays GPS satellites (see section 3). Wait
for the GPS receiver to start up and the fix
type to change from ‘Acquiring’ to ‘GPS fix’ or
‘DGPS fix’. This should take less than two
minutes (see section 3-1). Note that it will only
give a DGPS fix if a DGPS antenna is fitted
and it is in range of a differential beacon.
14 Set up the TRACKER950:
Enter Local Time Ofst and Language
(see section 9-1).
Enter Map Datum and set up the four
user-definable fields (see section 9-2).
15 Set up the TRACKER950 for any options
you have installed:
Fuel: enter data in the Fuel Setup menu
(see section 9-6).
Autopilot or radar output: enable
NMEA output (see section 9-1).
Depth sounder: choose Depth for one of
the user-definable fields (see section 9-2).
16 Go on a test run to check that the navigation
equipment works correctly, particularly when
you use any radio transmitter or radar.