
Navman SmartS Professional for Palm OS
Latitude and longitude are displayed along with a North-pointing compass, the heading in degrees and ground speed.
The 12 satellites that could be viewed from your current position are shown as segments. The satellites are represented
as follows:
A yellow segment indicates a satellite that is being tracked but is not being used to determine your position.
A red segment indicates a satellite that is being used to determine a two dimensional (2D) xed position.
A green segment indicates a satellite that is being used to determine a valid (3D) xed position.
The circle underneath the segment display is green when there is a valid x (2D or 3D), and red when there is no x
available. While a 2D x is suf cient to maintain a valid x, a 3D x is more accurate.
The time and date are displayed in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), where UTC is the current term for what was
commonly referred to as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
Tip: In practice less
than 12 satellites
are tracked by the
GPS receiver due to
satellite positioning.
Tip: The number of
indicated satellites
depends on your GPS