N-Series User Manual
Smart Desktop features
After Smart Desktop has been installed on your computer, you can access it from the Windows Start menu:
Start > All Programs > Navman > SmartST Desktop 2006 SE
Element Description
Menu bar Menus that provide access to Smart Desktop functionality, including
the ability to enter subscription information.
Toolbars There are three toolbars:
To display toolbars that are not on by default, select Toolbars on the
View menu.
For more information, see "Toolbars" on page 81.
Add Maps and
View/Remove Maps
Follow the steps on the Add Maps tab to install maps to your Navman,
memory card, or memory card via a memory card reader. For more
information, see "How do I install maps onto my Navman?" on page 83.
Follow the steps on the View/Remove Maps tab to remove installed
maps from your Navman, memory card, or memory card via a memory
card reader.
Check for updates/
Update available
Click to check online for software updates or download software
Globe A map of the world indicating the maps:
on the current CD,
on a CD that came with the current CD,
installed on your Navman or memory card, or
available from Navman.