
NAVMAN iCN 620 user manual
5 Use the 8-way toggle button to position the intersection of the gridlines over the destination that you require.
When the gridlines are over a street, the street name is shown along the bottom of the screen.
6 Press OK to select a point as your destination. The address details are automatically displayed.
7 Choose one of the following:
 Select GO. The unit will calculate the route and display the destination on the navigation screen.
 Select START. This sets your chosen location as your departure point (normally your departure point is assumed
to be your present location). Refer to the following section Without a GPS Position Fix for more information.
 Select SAVE. This will allow you to save the destination as a Shortcut or Favourite. Refer to Section 9/10
Programming Shortcuts/Favourites for more information.
Press ESC at any
time to remove
the gridlines, and
again to return to
the automatic Map
Browser screen.
Note: the START
option will only be
available if
the unit does not
have a current
GPS  x.