iCN 700 series | What is SmartST Desktop?
What is a Major Road Network map?
Continuous continental navigation
Major Road Network maps allow you to seamlessly navigate between installed maps without installing maps of all
regions along your route. Each Major Road Network map covers a large area, such as Western Europe or Canada
and the United States (continental), and contains main roads that connect cities and towns. You can select a road or
Point of Interest on the Major Road Network map as your departure point or destination.
All Major Road Network maps:
contain roads and ferry connections of high national and international importance.
use less memory than would be necessary to install all equivalent detailed maps.
exclude smaller roads and have a reduced level of geographical detail.
Major Road Network map table
Region of
Model Description
Australia or
New Zealand
All Does not require a Major Road Network map, as
detailed maps of either Australia or New Zealand are
pre-installed on your iCN.
Canada and
United States
All Does not require a Major Road Network map, as
detailed maps of Canada and the United States
(continental) are pre-installed on your iCN.
iCN 720 A Major Road Network map of Western Europe is
pre-installed on your iCN.
Western Europe
iCN 750 Does not require a Major Road Network map, as
detailed maps of Western Europe are pre-installed
on your iCN.
How do I install or reinstall a Major Road Network map?
Major Road Network maps can be installed to a new memory card or reinstalled to your iCN hard drive using
Smart Desktop. For more information, see "How do I install maps from CD?" on page 83.