iCN 700 series | What is SmartST Desktop?
3. Complete the following:
If the map to be installed is ... Then ...
light green go to step 6.
light blue the map needs to be activated via the Internet before it
can be installed; continue to step 4.
4. If you connect to the Internet via a dial-up connection, connect to the Internet now.
5. Follow the prompts to activate your Map Product Key, including:
Enter the Map Product Key from the back of the enclosed CD box when prompted.
Your computer will connect to the Internet and activate your Map Product Key.
When activation has completed, the map will change colour to light green; continue to step 6.
6. Click the map you want to install to your iCN.
The map will change colour to dark green to indicate it has been selected. The map is now listed in the Review
Selected Maps section of the Add Maps tab.
To deselect a map, click the map again.
You may need to install multiple maps to cover the desired geographical area.