TRACKER 5505/5505i/5605 Installation and Operation Manual
Navigation data
The boat is sailing from the start to the destination and has moved off the plotted course from the
start to the destination.
BRG Bearing to Destination: Bearing to the destination from the boat.
BRG Bearing to cursor: Bearing to cursor from boat (cursor mode, see section 3-2)
CDI Course Deviation Indicator: When the boat is navigating to a point, the chart and highway
displays show a parallel line on either side of the plotted course. These two lines are called
the Course Deviation Indicator (CDI) lines. The distance from the plotted course to a CDI line
is the CDI scale.
Set the CDI scale (see section 14-2) to the maximum distance that the boat should deviate
from the plotted course. The chart and highway displays show the CDI lines, which are like
a highway over the water where the boat will move. The displays show how far the boat has
deviated from the plotted course and if the boat is approaching a CDI line. If the XTE alarm is
enabled (see section 14-7) an alarm will sound if the boat reaches a CDI line.
COG Course Over Ground: Direction in which the boat is moving over the ground.
CTS Course To Steer: Optimum course to steer to return to the plotted course.
DTG Distance To Go: Distance from the boat to the destination.
ETA Expected Time of Arrival: At the destination, assuming that SOG and COG remain constant.
RNG Range to cursor: Distance from boat to cursor (cursor mode, see section 3-2)
SOG Speed Over Ground: Current boat speed over the ground. This is not necessarily the same as
the boat speed through the water nor the speed at which it is approaching the destination.
STR Steering: The diļ¬erence between COG and CTS.
TTG Time To Go: The estimated time to reach the destination.
XTE Cross Track Error: The distance from the boat to the nearest point of the plotted course. XTE
may have a letter: R means steer to the right to return to the plotted course, L means steer to
the left.
VMG Velocity Made Good: The speed at which the boat is approaching the destination.
SOG (speed)
VMG (speed)
Boat position
DTG (distance)
CDI scale
CDI scale
CDI line
CDI line
www.Busse-Yachtshop.de email: info@busse-yachtshop.de