Nautilus® TreadClimber®, Model TC916 Owner’s Manual
Percentage of Maximum Heart Rate -
An approximation of maximal heart rate is calculated based on the latest
American College of Sports Medicine predictive equation.
(See the Heart Training programs starting on page 24 for more information.)
Time -
The selected workout time is displayed in the lower left section of the upper
display window. In most of the workouts, the timer will count down, in minutes
and seconds, until the workout is finished or stopped. If (0) is entered in the
(MANUAL) or (HR ZONE TRAINER) workout, the timer will count up.
Treadle Max/Min -
The TreadClimber
treadle displacement is displayed in the upper display area.
Max treadle results in full displacement given a full stride length. Min treadle
results in one-half of the full displacement with a full stride.
Walk Speed -
The TreadClimber
walk speed is displayed in miles per hour (or kilometers per
hour). The Commercial Series TreadClimber
TC916 has a speed operation range
of 0.5 mph to 4 mph (0.8 kph to 6.4 kph).
Watts -
During a workout, the statistic displays the power output at the current speed
and treadle step height, displayed in watts (746 watts = 1 hp). This is an optional
function that will need to be selected from the Owner Cardio Console Code.
Workout Profile -
The dot-matrix area of the display shows the actual course profile of the selected
exercise program. The taller the column, the higher the treadle displacement
height and/or walk speed for that interval. The flashing column shows your
current interval.