Table 7. Blade Troubleshooting
Symptom Possible Problem Solution
Irregular run of the saw blade Poor tension in the blade material Return saw blade to manufacturer
Saw blade wobbles when running
Saw blade is damaged or bent
Have the saw blade aligned/flattened
Chean the receiving flange
Replace saw blade.
Flange of the saw blade is damaged Replace the saw blade flange
Shaft of the motor is bent Replace the electric motor
Diamond segment becomes loose
Overheating of the saw blade; cooling water
not sufficient
Replace saw blade.
Excessive wear
Wrong type of saw blade Use harder saw blade
Shaft of motor causes wobbling Have motor or bearings of motor replaced
Overheating Ensure optimum flow of cooling water
Cracks in or near diamond segment
Saw blade too hard Use softer blade
Fixed flange is worn out Have fixed flange replaced
Motor shaft bearing Replace the bearing of the motor shaft
Saw blade is blunt
Saw blade type is unsuitable for the material
being cut
Use appropriate type of saw bladeSaw blade type is unsuitable for the machine
Saw blade too hard
Diamond segments are blunt Replace saw blade.
Appearance of cut is not optimal
Poor tension in the blade material Return saw blade to manufacturer
Too much load placed on saw blade Use a suitable saw blade
Diamond segments are blunt Replace saw blade.
Center hole in saw blade has become wider
due to wear
Saw blade has slipped on the motor shaft
when running
Arbor of the saw blade must be fitted with an
appropriate adapter ring
Check the receiving flange and have it
replaced if necessary
Saw blade shows blooming colors
Saw blade overheating due to lack of cooling
Ensure optimum flow of cooling water
Lateral friction when cutting
The material feed is too high; proceed more
Grinding marks on the saw blade
Material is not being fed parallel to saw blade
Ensure that the direction of the feed is
absolutely parallel to the saw blade
Adjust roller table
Poor tension in blade material Have the saw blade tensioned
Too much load on the saw blade
The material feed is too high; proceed more