Cleaning the coffeemaker between brew cycles
To clean up the used coffee grounds and fllter:
Discard the grounds and paper filter and rinse the
filter basket. You may also wash the filter basket in
the dishwasher.
Rinse the decanter with warm water. You may also
wash the decanter in the dishwasher (top rack
dishwasher safe only).
Make sure the coffeemaker is turned off when the decanter is
Brewed coffee and grounds are both very hot. Handle them with
care to avoid scalding injuries.
Unplug the coffeemaker’s power cord if you are not using the
coffeemaker or clock,
Maintaining your coffeemaker
Maintaining your coffeemaker and its parts will help extend the life of the appliance.
Cleaning the coffeemaker
Your coffeemaker must be cleaned when you notice any of the follow conditions:
l excessive steamlng
l Increased brew cycle times
the pumping action stops before all of the water has been pumped from the
water reservoir
These conditions are caused by lime or other mineral deposits.
How frequently you clean your coffeemaker depends upon the hardness of your tap
water. The following table gives suggested cleaning intervals.
of water Cleaning frequency
Soft water Every 80 brew cycles
Hard water
Every 40 brew cycles