
Software Installation
Intellio C218Turbo /PCI User's Manual 3-7
l Enter [Administrative] group, then open [Event Viewer] icon and then select
Application Event Log] item to check for successful message similar to
"MOXA C218Turbo/PCI Multiport Board #1: addr(XXX) O.K." for each
configured board.
l If error message is like “MOXA C218Turbo/PCI Multiport Board #1
addr(XXX): IRQ(10) test failure!”, refer to the “Troubleshooting” chapter for
Note ! Once the board and driver are installed and the system restarts
successfully, you can start to develop applications by using
library (See Chapter “Serial Programming Tools”) or using
Microsoft Win32 API. Also you can execute any ready-made
application such as
PComm utility Terminal emulator (See
Chapter “Serial Programming Tools”) or HyperTerminal to
transmit/receive data as well as Remote Access Service to provide
dial-up networking capability.
Configuring Board and Port
If you already have installed the driver and want to re-configure the board and port,
add more boards or delete boards, please follow the procedure below.
1. From [Control Panel], open [Network] icon and then select [Adapters] tab.
2. Select “MOXA C218Turbo Adapter” item in the “Installed Adapter Cards:”