Total Solutions for Industrial Device Networking
www.moxa.com e-mail: info@moxa.com
Secure Terminal Servers/Terminal Servers
Device Networking Solutions
NPort 6000 device servers support the Turbo Ring cascade topology. In a Turbo Ring topology, if any segment of the daisy-chained ring is
disconnected, the network will recover in less than 300 ms.
NPort 6000 device servers have an industrial-strength power input
connector to minmize the chance of accidental power disconnection.
With serial devices connected to an NPort 6000 device server,
users can use any networked computer to control the devices over
an Ethernet network, intranet, or the Internet. Connections can be
established using different operation modes such as Real COM/TTY,
TCP Server, or TCP Client mode. The NPort 6000 also supports PPPoE
for ADSL connections, and DDNS can be used to help locate NPort
6000 device servers on the network. In addition, fiber optic models are
available to extend the Ethernet connection distance.
Ethernet Ring Topology with Fast Recovery (under development)
Supports ADSL Dial-up and DDNS
Reliable Power Input
IP Systèmes, importateur/distributeur des solutions de communication industrielle MOXA en France Tel : 0820 200 290 (15cts/min)