VPort 2310 User’s Manual System Configuration
System Configuration Via Web Access
System configuration can be done remotely with Internet Explorer via the Web Server.
Alternatively, administrators may type the system configuration URL, “http://<IP address of Video
Server>/setup/config.html”, to enter the configuration page directly. Administrators who wish to
set up certain options by using the URL should refer to the relevant section in Chapter 6, “URL
Commands,” for advanced functions.
Five types of configuration are involved in configuring the system:
1. Since VPort 2310 Video Server is a networked video server, administrators should configure
Security, Network, Video, and DDNS & UPnP.
2. To support PTZ camera control, administrators should configure Camera Control.
3. To utilize the built-in security and web attraction features, administrators should configure
Motion Detection and Application.
4. Administrators can adjust the system date and time under System, or configure different
homepage layouts by configuring Homepage layout.
5. Video Server also provides other system maintenance options, including View log file, View
parameters, and Factory default.
Host name
The host name will appear as the homepage title of the main page and over the video window on
the main page. The maximum string length is 40 characters or 20 characters in
double-byte-character systems, such as Chinese or Japanese systems.