7.11.3 Conversion from BCD 4-digit and 8-digit to decimal ASCII data
(BCDDA(P),DBCDDA(P))................................................................................. 7 - 189
7.11.4 Conversion from decimal ASCII to BIN 16-bit and 32-bit data
(DABIN(P),DDABIN(P)).................................................................................... 7 - 192
7.11.5 Conversion from hexadecimal ASCII to BIN 16-bit and 32-bit data
(HABIN(P),DHABIN(P)).................................................................................... 7 - 195
7.11.6 Conversion from decimal ASCII to BCD 4-digit or 8-digit data
(DABCD(P),DDABCD(P))................................................................................. 7 - 198
7.11.7 Reading device comment data (COMRD(P)) ........................................................... 7 - 201
7.11.8 Character string length detection (LEN(P)) .............................................................. 7 - 204
7.11.9 Conversion from BIN 16-bit or 32-bit to character string (STR(P),DSTR(P)) ........... 7 - 206
7.11.10 Conversion from character string to BIN 16-bit or 32-bit data (VAL(P),DVAL(P)) .... 7 - 212
7.11.11 Conversion from floating decimal point to character string data (ESTR(P))............. 7 - 217
7.11.12 Conversion from character string to floating decimal point data (EVAL(P)) ............. 7 - 224
7.11.13 Conversion from hexadecimal BIN to ASCII (ASC(P)) ............................................. 7 - 228
7.11.14 Conversion from ASCII to hexadecimal BIN (HEX(P)) ............................................. 7 - 230
7.11.15 Extracting character string data from the right or left (RIGHT(P),LEFT(P)).............. 7 - 232
7.11.16 Random selection from and replacement in character strings (MIDR(P),MIDW(P))
........................................................................................................................ 7 - 235
7.11.17 Character string search (INSTR(P)) ......................................................................... 7 - 239
7.11.18 Insertion of character string (STRINS(P))................................................................. 7 - 241
7.11.19 Deletion of character string (STRDEL(P)) ................................................................ 7 - 243
7.11.20 Floating decimal point to BCD (EMOD(P)) ............................................................... 7 - 245
7.11.21 From BCD format data to floating decimal point (EREXP(P)) .................................. 7 - 248
7.12 Special function instructions 7 - 250
7.12.1 SIN operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (SIN(P)) .............................. 7 - 250
7.12.2 SIN operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (SIND(P)) .......................... 7 - 252
7.12.3 COS operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (COS(P)) .......................... 7 - 254
7.12.4 COS operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (COSD(P)) ...................... 7 - 256
7.12.5 TAN operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (TAN(P))............................ 7 - 258
7.12.6 TAN operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (TAND(P))........................ 7 - 260
7.12.7 SIN
operation on floating point data (Single precision) (ASIN(P)) ......................... 7 - 262
7.12.8 SIN
operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (ASIND(P)) ..................... 7 - 265
7.12.9 COS
operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (ACOS(P)) .................... 7 - 267
7.12.10 COS
operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (ACOSD(P)) ................ 7 - 269
7.12.11 TAN
operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (ATAN(P))...................... 7 - 271
7.12.12 TAN
operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (ATAND(P)).................. 7 - 273
7.12.13 Conversion from floating-point angle to radian (Single precision) (RAD(P)) ............ 7 - 275
7.12.14 Conversion from floating-point angle to radian (Double precision) (RADD(P)) ........ 7 - 277
7.12.15 Conversion from floating-point radian to angle (Single precision) (DEG(P))............7 - 279
7.12.16 Conversion from floating-point radian to angle (Double precision) (DEGD(P)) ........ 7 - 281
7.12.17 Exponentiation operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (POW(P)).......... 7 - 283
7.12.18 Exponentiation operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (POWD(P)) ....... 7 - 285
7.12.19 Square root operation for floating-point data (Single precision) (SQR(P)) ............... 7 - 287
7.12.20 Square root operation for floating-point data (Double precision) (SQRD(P)) ........... 7 - 289
7.12.21 Exponent operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (EXP(P)).................... 7 - 291
7.12.22 Exponent operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (EXPD(P))................ 7 - 294
7.12.23 Natural logarithm operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (LOG(P)) ....... 7 - 296
7.12.24 Natural logarithm operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (LOGD(P)) ... 7 - 298