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(2) Servo program example
Servo program No. 0 for home position return is shown below.
Axis used . . . Axis 4
ZERO Home position return
Axis 4
<K 0>
(3) Motion SFC program
Motion SFC program for which executes the servo program is shown below.
SET M2042
Axis 4
Home position return
Home position return
Axis used . . . Axis 4
Home position return
Turn on all axes servo ON command.
Wait until PX000, Axis 4 servo ready and
in-position signal turn on.
Wait until PX000 turn off after home position
return completion.
(Note-1) : It is necessary to turn on the zero pass signal before execution of the home position return
instruction for data set type home position return.
(Note-2) : Example of the above Motion SFC program is started using the automatic start or PLC program.
If the home position is not within the in-position range of servo parameter, it does not
mean having reached the home position data and the home position return does not
end in the proximity dog type, count type, data set type 1, dog cradle type, or limit
switch combined type home position return. In this case, adjusts the in-position range
of servo parameter or position control gain.