Safety features
Door lock
Once a cooking process using the mi
crowave has begun, the door will re
main locked until the end of the
You can cancel the door lock by press
ing the Stop/C touch control. The
programme will then be interrupted.
Programming lock
The programming lock prevents func
tions being entered unintentionally.
Safety cut-out
A process using a traditional oven func-
tion can be started without program-
ming in a time. To prevent over-use and
the consequent danger of fire, the ap-
pliance switches off automatically after
a certain length of time. This can be be-
tween 1 hour and 10 hours depending
on the function and temperature cho-
If the microwave is switched off in be
tween using two microwave cooking
processes, there will be a delay of
about 30 seconds before the new set
ting is accepted. Therefore wait a short
while before starting the second pro
Energy saving functions
Door contact switch
If the door is opened during a
programme using a traditional oven
function (with or without microwave), a
contact switch for the door switches the
fan and heating element off automati
cally. The programme will continue to
run again as soon as the door is shut. If
‘Stop/C’ was pressed before opening
the door, then ‘Start’ must be pressed
for the programme to continue.
Making use of residual heat
With the Fan Heat (hot air) and Auto
Roast systems the heating shuts off au-
tomatically with the door closed when
the current ambient temperature is suffi-
cient to finish cooking the food. When-
ever heat is lost, e.g. if the door is
opened, the heating will switch on
again automatically.
"Night time dimming" option
You can programme the appliance so
that the brightness of the display is
dimmed between the hours of 10 pm
and 6 am. (22.00 to 6.00 hours).
Optional oven interior lighting
You can turn off the oven interior light
ing if you do not want it to remain on
during the entire cooking process. It will
then only light up for approx. 10 sec
onds after you have pressed the Enter
touch control.
Description of the functions