Service Bulletin
Availability of Conveyor Speed Controller Kits
Middleby Marshall is changing is standard Conveyor Speed Controller from the familiar thumbwheel
control to a unit that features a digital display with pushbutton speed selectors. The part numbers of
these components are summarized here:
Speed Controller with Thumbwheel
Kit (includes control module and thumbwheel): 42810-0133
Thumbwheel unit only: 42810-0118
Speed Controller with Digital Display
Kit (includes control module and digital display): 37337
Digital selector/display unit only: 37503
Because of this change, supplies of the previous speed controller are VERY LIMITED, and the sepa-
rate thumbwheel is no longer available.
Immediately stock the new Speed Controller units and save
your remaining thumbwheel controls for use with the oven models that cannot use the new controller.
Service agents should immediately begin to stock P/Ns 37337 and 37503 to fulfill their normal
need for conveyor speed controllers. The new units can be used without modification on ALL
Your existing stock of P/Ns 42810-0133 and 42810-0118 should be used, whenever possible,
ONLY for PS200R68-series ovens.
The new speed controller and digital display are already in use on Middleby Marshall PS555 ovens;
so, your Agency may already have some of these components in stock. Please check your exist-
ing stock of these components before placing addtional orders.
The Speed Controller with Digital Display is compatible with all Middleby Marshall ovens EXCEPT the
PS200R68, PS220R68, and PS224R68.
P/Ns 37337 and 37503 are available for immediate shipment.
P/N 42810-0133 is available in very limited quantities. Note that some future orders may not be
P/N 42810-0118 is no longer available.
Bulletin No. MM-177
Date: 8/18/00
Middleby Cooking Systems Group
1400 Toastmaster Drive Elgin, IL 60120-9272 U. S. A. Telephone: (847)741-3300 Service and Parts Fax: (847)741-4406
Appendix - Service Bulletin MM-177 - Introduction and Compatibility of
Conveyor Speed Controller with Digital Display, P/N 37337, 8/00