
The BIOS Setup Utility
System BIOS
The System BIOS Option allows you to Shadow, Shadow & Cache, or Disable
the BIOS Shadow on the system board. Choosing SHADOWED copies the
system’s BIOS into RAM for faster execution. Choosing SHADOWED &
CACHED caches the shadowed system BIOS for even higher performance.
This allows you to take advantage of the high-speed 32-bit bus and the 70
nanosecond RAM. Use the <+/-> key to toggle between the options.
Video BIOS
The Video BIOS Option allows you to Shadow, Shadow & Cache, or Disable
the BIOS Shadow on the system board. Choosing SHADOWED copies the
system’s video BIOS into RAM for faster execution. Choosing SHADOWED
& CACHED caches the shadowed video BIOS for even higher performance.
Use the <+/-> key to toggle between the options. The System BIOS Shadow
option must be set to SHADOW or SHADOW & CACHE before enabling the
Video BIOS Shadow options.
Option ROM
Some peripheral cards such as low-priced SCSI controllers and network
adapters which do not have their own BIOS require this feature. Check the
documentation of your peripheral cards to see if they need this feature.