EC Declaration of Conformity (Only ap plies to Europe)
We, Husqvarna AB, SE-561 82 Huskvarna, Sweden, tel: +46--36--146500, as authorised
representative in the Community, declare t hat the brushcutter model McCulloch 2500CXL
with serial numbers dating from 2009 and onwards (the year is clearly stated on the r ating
plate, followed by the serial number), comply with the requirements of the CO UNCIL’S
of 17 M ay 2006 “relating to ma chinery” 2006/42/EC;
of15 December 2004“relatingto electromagnetic compatibility”2004/108/EC, andapplicable
supplements; and
of 8May 2000 “relating tothe noise emissions in the environment” in a ccordance with Annex
Vof2000/14/EC. For information relating to noise emissions, see Technical data section.
The following standards have been applied: EN ISO 12100--1/A1:2009, EN ISO
12100--2/A1:2009, CISPR 12:2007, EN 11806:2008.
SMP, The Swedish Machinery Testing Institute, Fyrisborgsgatan 3 S--754 50 Uppsala,
Sweden, has performed voluntary type examination on behalf of Husqvarna AB. The
certificate(s) are numbered: SEC/09/2028.
0 9-- 11 -- 0 1
Ronnie E. Goldman, Director of Engineering
Authorized representative for Husqvarna AB and
responsible for technical documentation