[4]-2. Engine and Shaft
P 3/ 22
(1) Press down the tab of Cleaner plate assembly gently and separate Cleaner cover assembly from Cleaner plate assembly
by loosening M5x20 Hex socket head bolt. (Fig. 1)
(2) Loosen 5x16 Tapping screw and loosen Clamp that holds Bullet terminals near Cleaner plate assembly. (Fig. 2)
(3) Disconnect Bullet terminals of Earth wire and Primary wire of Ignition coil from the wires of Stop switch. (Fig. 2)
(4) Remove Control cable from Swivel of Carburetor; loosen the three nuts on Control cable to release the tension
between Swivel and Cable bracket of Insulator, then remove the stopper on Inner cable end from Swivel. (Fig. 3)
(5) For EM4351UH: Remove M5x8 Hex socket head bolt and M6x30 Hex socket head bolt in the holes of Pipe housing.
(Fig. 4)
For EM4350UH and EM4350LH: Remove M5x8 Hex socket head bolt and M6x30 Hex socket head bolt from
the threaded holes of Clutch case. (Fig. 5)
(6) Grab Shaft pipe complete by hand, then pull it off from Clutch case.
If Shaft sticks in Clutch case, use water pump pliers or the like to pull it off.
Note: Be sure to wrap Shaft with a rag or the like to protect it from water pump pliers. (Fig. 6)
Cleaner plate assemblySwivel of Carburetor
Inner cable
Hex socket
head bolt
M5x8 Hex socket
head bolt
Hex socket
head bolt
M6x20 Hex
socket head bolt
Holes of
Pipe housing
Threaded holes
of Clutch case
M5x20 Hex socket
head bolt
Control cable
Fig. 1
Fig. 5 Fig. 6
Fig. 3 Fig. 4
Fig. 2
Tab of
Cleaner plate assembly
Cleaner cover
Bullet terminals
Cable bracket of Insulator
Stopper on Inner cable end
Nut on Control cable end
(3 pcs.)
Swivel of Carburetor
Water pump
Shaft pipe complete