
Quattro DC Logic Outputs C3 Submenu
choices continued
ground fault
(Ground Fault) The output is true when the sum of all phase current exceeds 50% of rated
current of the drive.
in low gain (In Low Gain) The output is true when the speed regulator is in “low gain” or response mode.
motor trq lim
(Motor Torque Limit) The output is true when the torque limit has been reached while the drive
is in the motoring mode. The motoring mode is defined as the drive delivering energy to the
mtr overload
(Motor Overload) The output is true when the motor has exceeded the user defined motor
overload curve.
no function
(No Function) This setting indicates that the terminal or relay will not change state for any
operating condition; i.e. the output signal will be constantly false.
not alarm (Not Alarm) The output is true when an alarm is NOT present.
over curr flt
(Motor overload current fault) The output is true when the phase current has exceeded 300%
of rated current.
overspeed flt
(Overspeed Fault) The output is true when the motor has gone beyond the user defined
percentage contract speed for a specified amount of time.
overtemp flt
(Heatsink Over Temperature Fault) The output is true when the drive’s heatsink has exceeded
90°C (194°F).
overvolt flt (Over Voltage Fault) The output is true when the DC bus voltage exceeds 825VDC.
ovrtemp alarm
(Over Temperature Alarm) The output is true when the drive’s heatsink temperature has
exceeded 80°C (176°F).
phase fault (Phase Loss) The output is true when the drive senses an open motor phase.
ramp down ena
(Ramp Down Enable)
The output is true after a torque ramp down stop has been initiated by either a logic input, the
serial channel, or internally by the drive. When this output is true the torque is being ramped to
ready 2 start
(Ready to Start) The output is true when the drive’s software has been initialized, no faults are
present and the drive is not boosting.
ready to run
(Ready to Run) The output is true when the drive’s software has been initialized, no faults are
present and the drive is boosting.
regen trq lim
(Regeneration Torque Limit) The output is true when the torque limit has been reached while
the drive is in the regenerative mode. The regenerative mode is defined as when the motor is
returning energy to the drive. When the drive is in regenerative mode, the energy is dissipated
via the dynamic brake circuitry (internal brake IGBT and external brake resistor).
run commanded (Run Commanded) The output is true when the drive is being commanded to run.
run confirm
(Run Command Confirm) The output is true after the software has initialized, no faults are
present, the drive has been commanded to run, the contactor has closed and the IGBTs are
speed dev
(Speed Deviation) The output is true when the speed feedback is failing to properly track the
speed reference. The speed deviation needs to be above a user defined level. (Speed Dev. =
reference - feedback)
speed dev low
(Speed Deviation Low Level) The output is true when the speed feedback is properly tracking
the speed reference. The speed deviation needs to be within a user-defined range for a user-
defined period of time. (Speed Dev. = reference - feedback)
speed ref rls
(Speed Reference Release) The output is true when the flux is confirmed and drive is NOT in
DC injection.
speed reg rls
(Speed Regulator Release) The output is true when the flux is confirmed at 75% and brake is
commanded to be picked (if used)
undervolt flt
(Low Voltage Fault) The output is true when the DC bus voltage drops below the user specified
percent of the input line-to-line voltage.
up to speed (Up to Speed) The output is true when the motor speed is above the user specified speed
uv alarm
(Under Voltage Alarm) The output is true when the DC bus voltage drops below the user
specified percent of the input line-to-line voltage.
zero speed
(Zero Speed) The output is true when the motor speed is below the user specified speed for
the user specified time.
Table : Logic Outputs C3 Submenu11