Indicates current location.
Indicates last know location before GPS
signal was lost.
Generated Route:
Press the GPS Generate information Area to
display the following information:
Remaining Travel Time and Distance
Estimated Time of Arrival
> Current Street
Speed and Altitude
> Remaining Travel Time
and Distance.
Indicates direction of travel.
GPS Status:
Green GPS receiver means reliable signal.
Red GPS receiver means unreliable signal.
GPS Generated Information Area:
When you have calculated a route, press the
Direction Bar to display the Turn-by-Turn
screen for a complete list of directions.
Direction Bar:
Note: When you first start the navigation system
you will hear the message “Signal too low”. This
message means that your navigation device hasn’t
yet located a reliable GPS signal. Depending on
your location it may take a few seconds to acquire
a reliable GPS signal. For example, if your car is
parked in the garage the navigation system may
not be able to acquire a reliable GPS signal. Move
your vehicle until you have a clear view of the sky.
Displays generated route by the
navigation system.
Quick Nav:
See Route Manager section for more infor-
mation on page 28.