Reference Manual R FR 5010 Version1.4
Page 11
board multifunction LED has various states to
indicate different alarm conditions and a separate
GPO alarm output is provided for connection to an
external monitoring system.
The system is convection cooled plus forced air-
cooling (low noise fans) so it can be used in areas
where noise level is critical. Power supplies have a
small temperature controlled DC micro fan, which
is only used when needed and is also low-noise
when operating.
The R FR 5011 rack frame has a front cover with
integrated fans for applications, where no external
forced cooling is available or if modules with high
power dissipation are used in this rack frame.
All electrical contacts inside the R FR 5010 / R FR
5011, the CardModules and power supplies are
gold plated ensuring maximum reliability and
protection from corrosion.
The R FR 5010 is the primary building block in the
LYNX Series 5000 CardModule system that provides
high quality, modularity and flexibility in a very small
form factor.