
5. My contact heart rate sensors are not reading my heart rate correctly.
a. If the heart rate reading is erratic or missing, do the following:
i. Dry the hands if necessary to prevent slipping.
ii. Apply hands to all four sensors; two in each hand.
iii. Grasp the sensors firmly.
iv. Apply constant pressure around the sensors.
6. My belt is tracking off to the left or right.
a. Please see the section entitled How to Adjust and Tension the Striding Belt.
7. The belt seems to slip when I run on it.
a. You will need to tighten the belt to the rear roller. Please see the section entitled How to Adjust and Tension
the Striding Belt.
8. My treadmill will not lock when I fold it up.
a. Make sure the treadmill is at 0% incline before folding it up. If it is not at 0%, it will not lock.
9. My treadmill will not unfold.
a. Make sure you pull the release lever located on the top left side of the deck. If this problem persists please
contact Customer Service.