6.1 Communication Interface Port
The Liebert
UPS has a terminal block on the rear of the UPS unit. Several signals are
provided on this port and are assigned as follows.
6.2 Dry Contact
The Dry Contact includes eight pins, as shown and defined in Figure 12.
Figure 12 Dry contact pin layout
6.2.1 Any Mode Shutdown
The purpose of Any Mode Shutdown is to shut down the UPS output by turning Off the rectifier,
inverter and static switch so that there is no power to the loads.
Any Mode Shutdown can be operated locally or remotely:
• Local Any Mode Shutdown can be performed by shorting the pins in Set 3.
• Remote Any Mode Shutdown can be performed using a switch connected to the pins in Set 3 and
mounted at a remote location.
Activation of the Any Mode Shutdown will be logged as an event in the event history log.
Remote Power Off will be performed either by NO or NC contact of Any Mode Shutdown.
The current limited source (+12VDC, 50mA) will be available from UPS.
The connection to UPS for remote connection will be via terminal block connector.
Any Mode Shutdown wiring must conform to all national, regional and local wiring codes and
When the Auto-enable output option is selected and the UPS output is disabled using the pins
in Set 3, the Liebert GXT3-G’s output can turn On automatically and without warning if the
connection of the pins in Set 3 is changed.
(Low Battery Warning)
(On- Battery Warning)
(Any Mode Shutdown)
(Battery Mode Shutdown)