Chapter 2 Installation 15
Figure 2-6(d) 15/20kVA Input/output terminals( lower terminals' block)
For 10kVA system, at least 8AWG or 10mm
copper wire should be used for input
neutral line, input U phase line, hot standby L1 terminal, B_L terminal, B_N terminal
and output neutral line and hot line;input V or W phase lines and battery lines should
be 10AWG or 6mm
copper wire at least.
For 15/20kVA system, at least 3AWG or 25mm
copper wire should be used for input
neutral line, input U phase line, hot standby L1 terminal, B_L terminal, B_N terminal
and output neutral line and hot line
input V or W phase lines and battery lines should
be 5AWG or 16mm
copper wire at least.
4. For external battery connection, please refer to the procedures of external battery
cables connection (please refer to figure 2-4);
5. To connect the UPS to servers for OS shutdown, please connect server's serial port
to the contact closure port at the rear of the UPS. Follow installation procedure of OS
shutdown software ( Liebert's multiLink ) for proper installation.
2.4 Connection of External Batteries
1. The system needs to be connected with two strings of 240V batteries, the switch on
the battery cabinet must be in "OFF" position, prior to connecting the batteries.
Batteries of different models and make can not be used together.
2. Confirm that the batteries quantity conforms the UPS' specification, voltage of each
group of batteries should be 240 Vdc nominal or around 250 Vdc measured with a volt
3. Use a voltage meter to confirm that the voltage across the battery terminals on the
UPS Input/output terminals' block is zero, before connecting the battery cable to the
4. According to the wire connection shown in Figure 2-10, connect the positive
pole( red ) and negative pole( black ) to the "+" and "-" battery terminals on terminals'
block respectively and secure the terminals, pay attention not to reverse the batteries
connection . For 15/20kVA UPS, it is necessary to use Ferrite T-core in the
accessories as shown in Figure 2-10;