User Manual
Hipulse - Single Phase ā1+Nā UPS System 130 kVA - 110V
As with other types of high power equipment, dangerous voltages are present within
the UPS and battery enclosure. The risk of contact with these is minimised as the live
component parts are housed behind a hinged, lockable door. Further internal safety
screens make the equipment protected to IP20 standards.
No risk exists to any personnel when operating the equipment in the normal manner,
following the recommended operating procedures.
All equipment maintenance and servicing procedures involve internal access and
should be carried out only by trained personnel.
Battery manufacturers supply details of the necessary precautions to be observed
when working on, or in the vicinity of a large bank of battery cells. These
precautions should be followed implicitly at all times.
Particular attention should be paid to the recommendations concerning local
environmental conditions and the provision of protective clothing, first-aid and fire
fighting facilities
When the battery is under charge, it is earth-referenced about its mid-point āe.g. if
the battery s being charged at 460V the battery extremities will be at +230V and ā
230V with respect to neutral (earth). When using mains-powered test equipment
such as oscilloscopes in the UPS voltage area, always use a differential mode of
operation to disconnect the oscilloscope frame earth.
When working inside the UPS (trained personnel only) it is recommended that
protection be worn to prevent eye damage, should an electric ware be struck by
mishandling or severe electrical fault.
Some of the power components are very heavy. If their removal is necessary, ensure
that sufficient manpower is available; otherwise use adequate mechanical handling
When working in the general area of the UPS where high voltages are present, a
second person should be standing-by to assist and summon help in case of accident.