
A status bar will indicate the progress of the disk wiping task. After the disk has been encrypted, the printer
will return to the Enable/Disable screen.
5 Touch Back > Exit Config Menu.
The printer will perform a poweron reset, and then return to normal operating mode.
Finding printer security information
In high-security environments, it may be necessary to take additional steps to make sure that confidential data stored
in the printer cannot be accessed by unauthorized persons. For more information, visit the
Lexmark security Web page.
You can also see the Embedded Web Server Administrator’s Guide for additional information:
1 Go to http://support.lexmark.com, and then click SELECT YOUR PRODUCT.
2 From the “Search by Product Category” section, navigate to Software and Solutions > Other Applications.
3 Click the Manuals tab, and then select the Embedded Web Server Administrator’s Guide.
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