Solving print quality problems
If these suggestions do not correct the problem, then contact customer support. You may have a printer part that
requires adjustment or replacement.
Characters have jagged or uneven edges
If you are using downloaded fonts, verify that the fonts are supported by the printer, the host computer, and the
software program.
Clipped images
Try one or more of the following:
Move the width and length guides in the tray to the correct positions for the paper size loaded.
Make sure the paper size setting matches the paper loaded in the tray:
1 From the printer control panel Paper menu, check the Paper Size setting.
2 Before sending the job to print, specify the correct size setting:
• For Windows users, specify the size from Print Properties.
• For Macintosh users, specify the size from the Page Setup dialog.
Fine horizontal lines appear on color pages
You may notice fine, horizontal lines in photographs or pages with a high concentration of color. This can occur when
the printer is in Quiet Mode. To fix this, set Quiet Mode to Off (Image/Photo).
Troubleshooting 307