Item Description
4 Back
In the Copy menu, press to delete the right-most digit of the value in the Copy Count. The
default value of 1 appears if the entire number is deleted by pressing
numerous times.
In the Fax Destination List, press
to delete the right-most digit of a number entered
manually. You can also press
to delete an entire shortcut entry. Once an entire line is
deleted, another press of
causes the cursor to move up one line.
In the E-mail Destination List, press
to delete the character to the left of the cursor. If the
character is in a shortcut, then the shortcut is deleted.
5 Home
Press to return to the home screen.
6 Start
• Press to initiate the current job indicated on the display.
• From the home screen, press to start a copy job with the default settings.
• If pressed while a job is scanning, the button has no effect.
7 Indicator light Indicates the printer status:
• Off—The power is off.
• Blinking green—The printer is warming up, processing data, or printing.
• Solid green—The printer is on, but idle.
• Blinking red—Operator intervention is needed.
8 Stop
Stops all printer activity
A list of options is offered once Stopped appears on the display.
Understanding the home screen
After the printer is turned on and a short warm-up period occurs, the display shows the following basic screen which
is referred to as the home screen. Use the home screen buttons to initiate an action such as copying, faxing, or scanning;
to open the menu screen; or to respond to messages.
Touch any button to begin.
Learning about the printer 14