This option adjusts how light or dark your copies will turn out in relation to the original document.
Sides (Duplex)
Use this option to select duplex settings. You can print copies on one or two sides, make two-sided copies (duplex) of
two-sided original documents, make two-sided copies from one-sided original documents, or make one-sided copies
(simplex) from two-sided original documents.
This option keeps the pages of a print job stacked in sequence when printing multiple copies of the document. The
factory default setting for Collate is on; the output pages of your copies will be ordered (1,2,3) (1,2,3) (1,2,3). If you
want all the copies of each page to remain together, turn Collate off, and your copies will be ordered (1,1,1) (2,2,2)
This option lets you set the original document type and source.
Choose content type from Text, Text/Photo, Photo, or Graphics.
• Text—Use when the content of the original document is mostly text or line art.
• Graphics—Use when the original document is mostly business‑type graphics such as pie charts, bar charts, and
• Text/Photo—Use when the original document is a mixture of text, graphics, and photos.
• Photo—Use when the original document is mostly a photo or an image.
Choose content source from Color Laser, Black/White Laser, Inkjet, Photo/Film, Magazine, Newspaper, Press, or Other.
• Color Laser—Use when the original document was printed using a color laser printer.
• Black/White Laser—Use when the original document was printed using a mono laser printer.
• Inkjet—Use when the original document was printed using an inkjet printer.
• Photo/Film—Use when the original document is a photo from film.
• Magazine—Use when the original document is from a magazine.
• Newspaper—Use when the original document is from a newspaper.
• Press—Use when the original document was printed using a printing press.
• Other—Use when the original document was printed using an alternate or unknown printer.
This option enables or disables color for the scanned image.
Copying 83