Make sure the printer and computer are fully on and ready.
Do not connect the USB cable until instructed to do so on the screen.
2 From the printer control panel, select your language and country or region, and then touch Continue.
3 Select your time zone, and then touch Continue.
4 Deselect any function you plan to set up later, such as Fax or E-mail, and then touch Continue.
5 Select any additional buttons you want to display on the home screen, and then touch Continue.
6 If Fax is enabled, then type in your Fax Station name and touch Enter. For more information on fax station name
and number, see your system support person; or touch Back to go back and deselect Fax.
7 If Fax is enabled, enter the Fax station (phone) number for this printer, and then touch Continue.
8 If E-mail is enabled, type in the Primary SMTP (mail server) Gateway address, and then touch Enter. For more
information on enabling e-mail, see your system support person; or touch Back to go back and deselect
9 If prompted, set the date and time, and then touch Continue.
Additional printer setup