Eco‑Mode setting 211
Edit Security Setups menu 158
Embedded Web Server
accessing 13, 21
administrator settings 232
checking the status of parts 222
checking the status of
supplies 222
creating a fax destination
shortcut 124
creating an FTP shortcut 130
creating e‑mail shortcuts 101
functions 13
initial fax setup 108
modifying confidential print
settings 86
networking settings 232
problem accessing 314
scanning to a computer using 132
setting up e‑mail alerts 232
using 13
Embedded Web Server — Security:
Administrator's Guide
where to find 232
Embedded Web Server — Security:
Administrator’s Guide
where to find 219
notices 317, 321, 322, 326, 327
encrypting the printer hard
disk 218
enlarging a copy 93
loading, multipurpose feeder 64
tips on using 73
environmental settings
conserving supplies 210
display brightness, adjusting 214
Eco‑Mode 211
Hibernate Mode 213
Hibernate Timeout 213
Quiet Mode 211
Schedule Power Modes 214
Sleep Mode 212
Erase Temporary Data Files
menu 161
erasing hard disk memory 217
erasing non‑volatile memory 217
erasing volatile memory 216
Error reading USB drive. Remove
USB. 257
Error reading USB hub. Remove
hub. 257
Ethernet network
preparing to set up for Ethernet
printing 50
Ethernet network setup
using Macintosh 50
using Windows 50
Ethernet networking
Macintosh 50
Windows 50
Ethernet port 47
Ethernet setup
preparing for an 50
exporting a configuration
using the Embedded Web
Server 26
exterior of the printer
cleaning 220
canceling 104
e‑mail alerts
low supply levels 232
paper jam 232
setting up 232
e‑mail function
setting up 100
e‑mail options
darkness 105
message 104
original size 104
page setup 106
recipient(s) 104
resolution 105
send as 105
subject 104
e‑mail screen
advanced options 106
options 104, 106
E‑mail Settings menu 184
e‑mail shortcuts, creating
using the Embedded Web
Server 101
e‑mail, sending
using a shortcut number 102
using the address book 103
adding message line 103
adding subject line 103
changing output file type 103
configuring e‑mail settings 100
creating shortcuts using the
Embedded Web Server 101
creating shortcuts using the
printer control panel 101
setting up e‑mail function 100
using a shortcut number 102
using the address book 103
using the printer control
panel 102
factory defaults
restoring 234
sending 122, 123
fax and e‑mail functions
setting up 303
fax and e‑mail functions are not set
up 303
fax log
viewing 125
Fax memory full 257
Fax Mode (Analog Fax Setup)
menu 176
fax name, setting 120
fax number, setting 120
fax options
content source 127
content type 127
darkness 128
delayed send 128
page setup 128
resolution 128
scan preview 128
Fax partition inoperative. Contact
system administrator. 257
fax ports 47
fax screen
advanced options 129
Fax server 'To Format' not set up.
Contact system administrator. 257
fax setup
country‑ or region‑specific 116
digital telephone service 115
DSL connection 113
standard telephone line
connection 109
VoIP 114
Fax Station Name not set up.
Contact system administrator. 257
Index 335