
Tri-Port interface option card. An optional card you can
install inside the printer to add support for LocalTalk,
serial, and infrared interfaces.
TrueType fonts. Fonts that use a single font outline for
both screen display and printing. You can use TrueType
fonts in Windows applications and scale them to any
height. They print exactly as they appear on the screen.
type size. A measurement in pitch or points of a graphic
character in a font.
type style. The form or shape of the characters in a font.
typeface. The style that defines a group of characters and
typographic fonts. Fonts whose characters are spaced
proportionally on the page according to character width.
U Universal. Value to select for all print material excluding
envelopes loaded in the multipurpose feeder that is not a
standard size; defaults to 215.9 x 356 mm (8.5 x 14 in.). Set
the actual size of the page from your software application.
Universal Serial Bus (USB). An industry accepted serial
bus for external devices. It replaces all the different types
of serial and parallel ports with one standardized plug.
USB. See Universal Serial Bus.
user default. Printer setting selected by a user that
remains in effect until a new user default is chosen.
V value. One of the settings available for a menu item.