March 2001 Page 9
Color Business Report
of banding, and that have smoother grey tones.
Improved Technologies has also made the ink supplies
on the IXIA more readily-accessible. The IXIA, which
prints at speeds up to 12 square feet per hour, is
available for $74,900. Current Iris 3047 users can trade
up to the IXIA for $45,000.
On February 28, 2001, Océ Printing Systems USA,
Inc. (Boca Raton, FL) introduced the DemandStream 4030
digital printing system, a highlight color
electrophotographic printer designed for printing booklets,
instruction manuals, software documentation, and
statements. The DemandStream 4030 prints 108 ppm at
600 dpi, and supports several paper sizes, including letter,
legal, and tabloid. Standard paper capacity is 5,000 sheets,
and the DemandStream 4030s two output trays can
accommodate up to 2,400 sheets. Available highlight colors
include red, green, and blue, and with the help of Océs
CustomTone service, users can have color toner made to
match any custom color, in a process analogous to mixing
paint at the hardware store. The DemandStream 4030 is
available for $248,000.
Short-Run Printing
On February 28, 2001, Xeikon America Inc. (Wood
Dale, IL) introduced the DCP 320 Dx digital color press,
a 70 ppm version of the 130 ppm DCP 320 D, which was
introduced in May 2000. The DCP 320 Dx is designed
as an entry-level unit for printers who want to break
into the digital color printing market. Indeed, the DCP
320 Dx has a slightly more modest price than the DCP
320$249,000 versus $340,000. Those who decide that
faster speed is necessary can opt for a software upgrade
to the DCP 320 Dx, allowing it to print of 130 ppm.
Included with the DCP 320 Dx is Xeikons new digital
front end, the IntelliStream 3.0, a server that supports
full-color variable data printing. The IntelliStream 3.0
server integrates dual 866-MHz Intel Pentium III
processors and Adobe PostScript 3 RIP.
Also on February 28, 2001, Xeikon introduced the
UCOAT, an in-line UV coating station for its digital color
presses. The UCOAT station applies a high-gloss UV
finish to digital prints as they come out of a Xeikon
digital press, giving them the glossy feel and appearance
of traditional photographic prints. Other applications
for the UCOAT are book covers, direct mail pieces,
packaging, and glossy brochures and posters. The
UCOAT UV coating station will be available in
September 2001 for $80,000.
On February 12, 2001, Xeikon demonstrated its
D2F2 (Dry Digital Foto Finishing) system at the PMA
2001 Imaging Conference and Exhibition (Orlando, FL,
February 11 February 14, 2001). The D2F2 combines
a Xeikon DCP 320 D digital color press, IntelliStream
3.0 digital front end, and Xeikons UCOAT in-line UV
coating station, and produces up to 8,000 4" by 6"
photographic prints per hour. Xeikon expects the
growing adoption of digital photography to generate a
high volume of photo printing. The company plans to
install beta testing units of the D2F2 later this year.
Pricing for the D2F2 has not been determined, but it
should fall in the neighborhood of $420,000, the cost of
the DCP 320 D and UCOAT station.
On February 15, 2001, Indigo N.V. (Maastricht, The
Netherlands) introduced three printers to its Photo-e-
Print family, designed for photofinishing applications.
All three models, the Photo-e-Print ProLab, the Photo-
e-Print MetroLab, and the Photo-e-Print 5K, feature
Indigos pigment-based ElectroInk liquid toner
technology, and print at 800- by 2400-dpi resolution.
The Photo-e-Print ProLab will be targeted at
professional photo labs. It can print 680 12" by 17" photo
prints per hour (equivalent to 5,440 4" by 6" prints),
which are then trimmed to the users specifications. The
Photo-e-Print MetroLab is designed for installation at
retail outlets. It has the same print speed as the ProLab,
but delivers cut, stacked, and collated 4" by 6" prints.
For the wholesale and central processing labs, Indigo
introduced the Photo-e-Print 5K, which also prints 5,440
4" by 6" prints per hour, collecting them on three
separate rollers. Indigo could not provide pricing and
expected shipping dates for the Photo-e-Print products.
Calibration /Color Management
On February 12, 2001, Epson America, Inc. (Long
Beach, CA) introduced PRINT Image Matching technology
for digital cameras and printers. The principal problem
Xeikons UCOAT UV-coating station, configured with a
DCP 500 D digital color press.
Source: Xeikon America Inc.
(continued on page 10)