4227 Forms Printer
User’s Guide
Part Number 11A6030
June 1996
You may use this form to communicate your comments about this publi-
cation, with the understanding that Lexmark may use or distribute what-
ever information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without
incurring any obligation to you.
1. Did you find the book well organized?
❒ No ❒
2. Was the content of the book accurate and complete?
❒ No ❒
3. Was the book easy to use?
❒ No ❒
4. What can we do to improve the book?
5. What is your job title?
Questions or comments about supplies, service, applications, and so on
will slow response time considerably. Please refer those questions or
comments to your authorized dealer or point of purchase.
Note: Please direct all requests for copies of publications to your point of
purchase. Publications are not stocked at the location to which this form is