Understanding the printer configuration menus
Understanding the printer configuration menus
Network menu
Use the Network menu to change printer settings on jobs sent through a network port (either Standard Network or Network
Opt <x>).
Setting Purpose Values
NPA Mode Send print jobs to the printer and query
printer status information simultaneously.
• Auto*
Mac Binary PS Configure the printer to process Macintosh
binary PostScript print jobs.
• Off—The printer filters PostScript print jobs using
standard protocol.
• On—The printer processes raw binary PostScript
print jobs from computers using the Macintosh
operating system. This setting often causes
Windows print jobs to fail.
• Auto*—The printer processes print jobs from
computers using either Windows or Macintosh
operating systems.
Set Card Speed Automatically detect the connection speed
of your network. You can disable this
setting to set the speed manually.
• Auto*—The printer detects current network
• 10Mbps
, Half Duplex—Forces the printer to try
to connect to the network only at 10Mbps, Half
• 10Mbps, Full Duplex—Forces the printer to try to
connect to the network only at 10Mbps, Full
• 100Mbps, Half Duplex—Forces the printer to try
to connect to the network only at 100Mbps, Half
• 100Mbps, Full Duplex—Forces the printer to try
to connect to the network only at 100Mbps, Full
* Factory default
† Megabits per second