Using the operator panel
Insufficient collation area
Light sequence:
• Continue—On
• Toner Low/Replace PC Kit—On
• Error—On
What this light sequence means:
The printer memory does not have the free space necessary to
collate the print job. This may happen due to one of these errors:
• Memory is full.
• A page is too complex to print.
• A page is shorter than the set page margins.
• Memory is insufficient to save what is in the buffer.
What you can do:
• Press Continue to clear the message and continue
printing the job (the job may not print correctly.)
• Press and release Cancel to cancel the print job.
• Press and hold Cancel to reset the printer.
• To avoid this error in the future:
– Simplify the print job. Reduce the complexity of the page
by reducing the amount of text or graphics on the page
and deleting unnecessary downloaded fonts or macros.
– Install additional printer memory (see “How to add a
memory card” on page 45).