Universal Setup menu
These menu items are used to specify the height, width, and feed direction of the Universal Paper Size. The Universal
Paper Size is a user-defined paper size setting. It is listed with the other paper size settings and includes similar
options, such as support for duplex printing and printing multiple pages on one sheet.
Menu item Description
Units of Measure
Identifies the units of measure
• Inches is the US factory default setting.
• Millimeters is the international factory default setting.
Portrait Width
3–48 inches
76–1219 mm
Sets the portrait width
• If the width exceeds the maximum, the printer uses the maximum
width allowed.
• 12 inches is the US factory default setting. Inches can be
increased in 0.01-inch increments.
• 305 mm is the international factory default setting. Millimeters can
be increased in 1-mm increments.
Portrait Height
3–48 inches
76–1219 mm
Sets the portrait height
• If the height exceeds the maximum, the printer uses the
maximum height allowed.
• 19 inches is the US factory default setting. Inches can be
increased in 0.01-inch increments.
• 483 mm is the international factory default setting. Millimeters can
be increased in 1-mm increments.
Feed Direction
Short Edge
Long Edge
Specifies the feed direction
• Short Edge is the factory default setting.
• Long Edge appears only if the longest edge is shorter than the
maximum length supported in the tray.
Bin Setup menu
Menu Item Description
Output Bin
Standard Bin
Bin 1
Bin 2
Identifies installed output bins
Note: Standard Bin is the factory default setting.