Click OK.
12 Close all windows now that the port is set up.
Setting Up the Communications Port Using Windows NT 4.0
In your Windows NT 4.0 application:
1 On the Menu bar, click Start.
2 Click Settings.
3 Click Control Panel. The Control Panel screen appears.
4 Double-click the Ports icon. The Ports screen appears.
5 Select the communications port you want to configure.
6 Click the Settings button.
The Settings screen for this specific port displays. For example, if you select the
COM1 port, then the Settings for COM1 screen displays.
7 Fill out the fields for the following printer settings to make them match your
printer settings:
• Baud Rate
• Parity
• Stop bits
• Flow Control
Note: For Flow Control, select Hardware if you want DTR protocol or Xon/
Xoff for Xon/Xoff protocol.
8 Click OK.
9 Close all screens now that the port is set up.