cannot open Embedded Web
Server 210
card stock
loading in multipurpose feeder 69
tips 85
Change [paper source] to [custom
string] 173
Change [paper source] to [custom
string] load [orientation] 173
Change [paper source] to [custom
type name] 172
Change [paper source] to [custom
type name] load [orientation] 172
Change [paper source] to [paper
size] [paper type] 173
Change [paper source] to [paper
size] [paper type] load
[orientation] 173
checking an unresponsive
printer 172
checking printer status
on Embedded Web Server 158
checking printer status using the
Embedded Web Server 158
checking status of supplies 150
checking the status of supplies 150
checking the virtual display
using the Embedded Web
Server 158
checking virtual display
using the Embedded Web
Server 158
exterior of the printer 148
cleaning kit
ordering 152
cleaning the printhead lenses 148
Close [tray] door 174
Close finisher side door 174
Close finisher top cover 174
Close front door 174
Close left side door 173
Close paper transport cover 173
confidential print jobs 85
printing from a Macintosh
computer 86
printing from Windows 86
Confidential Print menu 116
configuration information
wireless network 46
Configure MP menu 94
configuring port settings 54
conservation settings
brightness, adjusting 61
Eco‑Mode 59
Hibernate Mode 60
Quiet Mode 59
Sleep Mode 60
conserving supplies 58
contacting customer support 210
corrupted printer hard disk 174
Custom Bin Names menu 100
custom name
configuring 73
Custom Names menu 100
custom paper type
assigning 73
custom paper type name
creating 72
Custom Type [x]
changing name 72
changing paper type 73
Custom Types menu 99
customer support
contacting 210
Default Source menu 90
directory list
printing 87
disk wiping 146
Disk Wiping menu 117
display troubleshooting
display is blank 188
display shows only diamonds 188
display, printer control panel 11
adjusting brightness 61
disposing of printer hard disk 145
documents, printing
from Macintosh 80
from Windows 80
Eco‑Mode setting 59
Eco‑Settings 19
Embedded Web Server
accessing 17, 158
administrator settings 158
checking printer status 158
checking supplies 150
functions 158
networking settings 158
problem accessing 210
setting up e‑mail alerts 159
using 158
Embedded Web Server
Administrator's Guide
where to find 158
emission notices 214, 217, 218, 219
Empty the hole punch box 174
encrypting the printer hard
disk 147
loading in multipurpose feeder 69
tips on using 83
environmental settings
conserving supplies 58
display brightness, adjusting 61
Eco‑Mode 59
Hibernate Mode 60
Quiet Mode 59
Sleep Mode 60
erasing hard disk memory 146
erasing non‑volatile memory 146
erasing volatile memory 145
Ethernet network setup
using Macintosh 51
using Windows 51
Ethernet networking
Macintosh 51
Windows 51
Ethernet port 42
exit bins
linking 72
exporting a configuration
using the Embedded Web
Server 20
exporting a configuration using the
Embedded Web Server 20
exterior of the printer
cleaning 148
e‑mail alerts
low supply levels 159
paper jam 159
setting up 159
factory defaults
restoring 160
FAQ about color printing 207
FCC notices 214, 218
finding more information about the
printer 8
finding printer IP address 17
Index 226