Use To
Automatic Method
Single pass
Multiple pass
Mark all disk space used by a previous print job. This method does not permit the file
system to reuse this space until it has been cleared.
• “Single pass” is the factory default setting.
• Only automatic wiping enables users to erase temporary data files without
having to turn off the printer for an extended amount of time.
• Highly confidential information should be erased using only the Multiple pass
Security Audit Log menu
Use To
Export Log Let an authorized user export the audit log.
• To export the audit log from the printer control panel, a flash drive must be
attached to the printer.
• The audit log can be downloaded from the Embedded Web Server and saved
on a computer.
Delete Log
Specify whether or not audit logs are deleted.
Note: Yes is the factory default setting.
Configure Log
Enable Audit
Enable Remote Syslog
Remote Syslog Facility
Severity of events to log
Specify how and whether or not audit logs are created.
• Enable Audit determines if events are recorded in the secure audit log and
remote syslog. No is the factory default setting.
• Enable Remote Syslog determines if logs are sent to a remote server. No is the
factory default setting.
• Remote Syslog Facility determines the value used to send logs to the remote
syslog server. 4 is the factory default setting.
• If the security audit log is activated, then the severity value of each event is
recorded. 4 is the factory default setting.
Set Date and Time menu
Use To
Current Date and Time View the current date and time settings for the printer.
Manually Set Date and Time
[input date/time]
Enter the date and time.
• Manually setting the date and time sets Enable NTP to No.
• The wizard lets you set the date and time in YYYY‑MM‑DD‑HH:MM format.
Understanding the printer menus 156