access cover 3-5
acoustic cover
description 3-5
reinstalling 1-117
removing 1-117
print quality 1-38
tractor tension 1-39, 1-71
alarm 3-11, 3-16
alignment, F1
See Continuous Forms Device
(F1), adjustments
alignment, F2
See Dual Purpose Forms Device
(F2), adjustments
alignment, F3
See Document Insertion Device
(F3), adjustments
attaching to
parallel cable 2-20
serial cable 2-23
Attention indicator 3-13
Auto Sheet Feeder (F4) 1-20
Auto Sheet Feeder Device
(F4) 3-22
autoload position, adjusting 1-81
Automatic Forms Thickness
Adjustment (AFTA) 3-8
beeping alarm 3-11
bidirectional adjustment (print
test) 5-19
black ribbon 3-23
cabling information E-1
canceling a print job 3-26
carbon paper 3-18
caring for the printer 3-24
changing ribbons 4-1
character spacing xix
characters per inch (CPI) 3-16
checklist, parts 1-2
coaxial computer, attach to a 2-18
connector, V- 2-4
Continuous Forms Device (F1)
forms tension 3-25
forms thickness setting 1-38
horizontal print position 1-44
print alignment 1-48
tractor tension 1-39
vertical print position 1-46
check out installation 1-23
installing 1-21
introduction 3-19
loading forms 1-26
prepare to load F1 forms 1-24
print quality adjustments 1-38
print verification test 1-33
removing 1-53
unloading forms 1-51
cover, access 3-5
cover, acoustic
description 3-5
reinstalling 1-117
removing 1-117
custom sets 1-17
Copyright IBM Corp. 1991, 1994 X-9