loading, multipurpose feeder 37
tips on using 47
environmental settings
conserving supplies 85
Eco‑Mode 86
Hibernate mode 86
Hibernate Timeout 88
Schedule Power Modes 88
Sleep mode 87
erasing non‑volatile memory 91
erasing volatile memory 91
Ethernet network
preparing to set up for Ethernet
printing 24
Ethernet network setup
using Macintosh 24
using Windows 24
Ethernet networking
Macintosh 24
Windows 24
Ethernet port 20
Ethernet setup
preparing for an 24
exterior of the printer
cleaning 92
factory defaults, restoring 103
FCC notices 156, 161
finding more information about the
printer 7
Finishing menu 79
Flash memory full [52] 122
Flash memory unformatted
[53] 125
font sample list, printing 53
General Settings menu 74
green settings
Eco‑Mode 86
Hibernate mode 86
Hibernate Timeout 88
Schedule Power Modes 88
Hibernate mode
using 86
Hibernate Timeout
setting 88
imaging unit
ordering 95
replacing 97
Imaging unit low [84.xy] 117
Imaging unit nearly low [84.xy] 116
Imaging unit very low, [x] estimated
pages remain [84.xy] 116
Insert tray [x] 118
optional tray 19
installing an optional card 17
installing optional tray 19
installing printer on a network
Ethernet networking 24
installing printer software
adding options 22
installing printer software
(Windows) 21
installing software
Local Printer Settings Utility 22
IPv6 menu 68
Jam, front door [20y.xx] 108
Jam, MP feeder [250.xx] 115
Jam, pull tray 1. Push down blue
flap. [23y.xx] 113
Jam, rear door [20y.xx] 111
Jam, standard bin [20y.xx] 112
Jam, tray [x] [24y.xx] 114
accessing 106
avoiding 105
understanding messages 106
jams, clearing
behind front door 108
behind rear door 111
in duplex area 113
in standard bin 112
in Tray 1 114
in Tray 2 114
Multipurpose feeder 115
labels, paper
tips on using 47
loading, multipurpose feeder 37
tips on using 48
linking trays 40
Load [paper source] with [custom
string] [orientation] 119
Load [paper source] with [custom
type name] [orientation] 119
Load [paper source] with [paper
size] [orientation] 120
Load [paper source] with [paper
type] [paper size] [orientation] 120
Load MP feeder with [custom
string] [orientation] 120
Load MP feeder with [custom type
name] [orientation] 120
Load MP feeder with [paper size]
[orientation] 121
Load MP feeder with [paper type]
[paper size] [orientation] 121
multipurpose feeder 37
trays 32
loading the optional tray 32
loading the standard tray 32
Local Printer Settings Utility
installing 22
using 13
lock, security 90
types installed on printer 90
memory card
installing 15
troubleshooting 129
Memory full [38] 121
Memory low, no Resource Save
[35] 118
menu settings
loading on multiple printers 103
menu settings page
printing 29
Active NIC 65
AppleTalk 69
Configure MP 59
Custom Types 63
Default Source 55
Finishing 79
General Settings 74
in Local Printer Settings Utility 13
IPv6 68
list of 55
Network [x] 65
Network Card 67
Index 168