Administrative support
Finding advanced networking and administrator
This chapter covers basic administrative support tasks. For more advanced system support tasks, see the Networking
Guide on the Software and Documentation CD and the Embedded Web Server Administrator's Guide on the Lexmark
Web site at www.lexmark.com.
Using the Embedded Web Server
If the printer is installed on a network, the Embedded Web Server is available for a range of functions including:
• Viewing a virtual display of the printer control panel
• Checking the status of the printer supplies
• Configuring printer settings
• Configuring network settings
• Viewing reports
To access the Embedded Web Server, type the printer IP address into the address field of your Web browser.
• If you do not know the IP address of the printer, then print a network setup page and locate the IP address in
the TCP/IP section.
• For more information, see the Networking Guide on the Software and Documentation CD and the Embedded Web
Server Administrator's Guide on the Lexmark Web site at www.lexmark.com.
Checking the device status
Using the Embedded Web Server, you can view paper tray settings, the level of toner in the print cartridge, the
percentage of life remaining in the maintenance kit, and capacity measurements of certain printer parts. To view the
device status:
1 Type the printer IP address in the address field of your Web browser.
Note: If you do not know the IP address of the printer, then print a network setup page and locate the IP address
in the TCP/IP section.
2 Click Device Status.
Setting up e-mail alerts
You can have the printer send you an e-mail when the supplies are getting low or when the paper needs to be
changed, added, or unjammed.
Administrative support