Change [paper source] to [paper
size] load [orientation] 240
checking an unresponsive
printer 239
checking an unresponsive
scanner 257
checking status of supplies 206
checking the printer status
using the Embedded Web
Server 227
checking the status of supplies 206
checking the virtual display
using the Embedded Web
Server 227
checking virtual display
using the Embedded Web
Server 227
exterior of the printer 205
scanner glass 205
Close front door 241
collating copies 79
confidential print jobs 70
printing from a Macintosh
computer 71
printing from Windows 71
Confidential Print menu 145
printer 12
configuring e‑mail settings 86
connecting printer to distinctive
ring service 95
connecting the printer to
answering machine 96
computer modem 102
regional adapters 98
telephone 96
conservation settings
brightness, adjusting 46
conserving supplies 43
Eco‑Mode 44
Quiet Mode 44
Sleep Mode 45
conserving supplies 43
contacting customer support 279
control panel, printer 14
copy quality
adjusting 78
copy screen
advanced options 84
options 82, 83, 84, 116
Copy Settings menu 157
copy troubleshooting
copier does not respond 254
partial document or photo
copies 256
poor copy quality 255
poor scanned image quality 258
scanner unit does not close 255
adding a date and time stamp 81
adding an overlay message 81
adjusting quality 78
canceling a copy job 81, 82
collating copies 79
custom job (job build) 80
different paper sizes 77
enlarging 78
in black‑and‑white 76
multiple pages on one sheet 80
on both sides of the paper
(duplexing) 77
on letterhead 75
on transparencies 75
photos 75
placing separator sheets between
copies 79
quick copy 74
reducing 78
selecting a tray 76
to a different size 76
using the ADF 74
using the scanner glass
(flatbed) 75
copying different paper sizes 77
copying multiple pages on one
sheet 80
copying on both sides of the paper
(duplexing) 77
copying on letterhead 75
copying on transparencies 75
copying photos 75
creating a fax destination shortcut
using the Embedded Web
Server 105
creating an FTP shortcut
using the Embedded Web
Server 114
creating profiles
using the ScanBack Utility 120
custom name
configuring 57
Custom Names menu 134
custom paper type name
creating 56
Custom Scan Sizes menu 134
Custom Type [x]
changing name 56
changing paper type 57
Custom Types menu 133
date and time, fax
setting 104
daylight savings time, faxing 105
Default Source menu 125
different paper sizes, copying 77
directory list
printing 72
disk wiping 202
Disk Wiping menu 146
display troubleshooting
display is blank 251
display shows only diamonds 251
display, printer control panel 14
adjusting brightness 46
disposing of printer hard disk 201
distinctive ring service, fax
connecting to 95
documents, printing
from Macintosh 64
from Windows 64
duplexing 77
Eco‑Mode setting 44
Edit Security Setups menu 144
Embedded Web Server
accessing 21, 227
administrator settings 227
checking printer status 227
checking supplies 206
creating a fax destination
shortcut 105
creating an FTP shortcut 114
creating e‑mail shortcuts 86
functions 227
initial fax setup 92
networking settings 227
problem accessing 279
setting up e‑mail alerts 228
using 227
Index 297