Paper menu
Default Source menu
Use To
Default Source
Tray [x]
Multipurpose Feeder
Manual Paper
Manual Envelope
Set a default paper source for all print jobs.
• Tray 1 (standard tray) is the factory default setting.
• From the Paper menu, set Configure MP to "Cassette" for Multipurpose
Feeder to appear as a menu setting.
• If two trays contain paper of the same size and type, and the trays have
the same settings, then the trays are automatically linked. When one tray
is empty, the print job continues using the linked tray.
Configure MP menu
Use To
Configure MP
Determine when the printer selects paper from the multipurpose feeder.
• Cassette is the factory default setting. Cassette configures the
multipurpose feeder as the automatic paper source.
• Manual sets the multipurpose feeder only for manual‑feed print jobs.
• First configures the multipurpose feeder as the primary paper source.
Understanding the printer menus 151