creating shortcuts using the touch
screen 99
setting up e‑mail function 98
using shortcut numbers 100
using the address book 100
using the touch screen 100
factory defaults, restoring
printer control panel menus 216
fax connection
connecting the printer to the wall
jack 107
connecting to a DSL line 107
connecting to a PBX or ISDN 108
fax connections
distinctive ring service 108
regional adapters 109
Fax memory full 221
Fax Mode (Analog Fax Setup)
menu 162
Fax Mode (Fax Server Setup)
menu 170
fax quality, improving 117
fax screen
advanced options 117
options 116, 117
Fax server 'To Format' not set up.
Contact system administrator. 221
Fax Station Name not set up 221
Fax Station Number not set up 221
fax troubleshooting
blocking junk faxes 115
caller ID is not shown 267
can receive but not send
faxes 270
can send but not receive
faxes 269
cannot send or receive a fax 268
received fax has poor print
quality 270
canceling a fax job 115, 116
changing resolution 114
choosing a fax connection 106
creating shortcuts using the
Embedded Web Server 111, 112
creating shortcuts using the touch
screen 112
fax setup 105
forwarding faxes 118
holding faxes 118
improving fax quality 117
making a fax lighter or darker 114
sending a fax at a scheduled
time 114
sending using the computer 111
sending using the printer control
panel 110
setting the date and time 110
setting the outgoing fax name and
number 110
using shortcuts 113
using the address book 113
viewing a fax log 115
FCC notices 289, 293, 297
finding more information about the
printer 9
finishing features 82
supported paper sizes 82
Finishing menu 186
firmware card
installing 29
flash drive 79
Flash Drive menu 179
flash memory card
installing 29
troubleshooting 273
font sample list
printing 80
forwarding faxes 118
address book 121
FTP quality, improving 124
FTP screen
advanced options 123
options 122, 123
FTP Settings menu 176
General Settings menu 154
green settings
Power Saver 22
hard disk
installing 31
hard disk with adapter
troubleshooting 273
held jobs 77
printing from Macintosh
computer 78
printing from Windows 77
Help menu 196
holding faxes 118
home screen
buttons 15
HTML menu 194
Image menu 195
Insert Tray <x> 222
installing on a wireless network
using Windows 41
installing options
order of installation 34
installing printer
on wireless network 41
installing printer on a network
Ethernet networking 45
installing printer on a wireless
using Macintosh 42
installing printer software
adding options 39
installing printer software
(Windows) 38
internal print server
installing 30
troubleshooting 273
Internal Solutions Port
changing port settings 48
troubleshooting 273
IPv6 menu 147
avoiding 233
locating jam areas 234
locations 234
numbers 234
jams, clearing
200–201 236
202 237
203 238
230 238
231 238
24x 244
250 248
280–281 248
282 248
283 251
284 254
Index 306