
Menu item Description
Manual Method
Single pass
Multiple pass
Disk Wiping erases only print job data that is not currently in use by the file system
from the printer hard disk. All permanent data on the printer hard disk is preserved,
such as downloaded fonts, macros, and held jobs.
Both manual and scheduled wiping allow the file system to reuse marked disk space
without first having to wipe it.
“Single pass” is the factory default setting.
This menu item appears only if a formatted, non-defective printer hard disk is
Highly confidential information should be wiped using the “Multiple pass”
method only.
Scheduled Method
Single pass
Multiple pass
Disk Wiping erases only print job data that is not currently in use by the file system
from the printer hard disk. All permanent data on the printer hard disk is preserved,
such as downloaded fonts, macros, and held jobs.
Both manual and scheduled wiping allow the file system to reuse marked disk space
without first having to wipe it.
“Single pass” is the factory default setting.
This menu item appears only if a formatted, non-defective printer hard disk is
Highly confidential information should be wiped using the “Multiple pass”
method only.
Scheduled wipes are initiated without displaying a user warning or
confirmation message.
Security Audit Log menu
Menu item Description
Export Log Enables an authorized user to export the security log
To export the log from the printer control panel, a flash drive must be
attached to the printer.
From the Embedded Web Server, the log can be downloaded to a computer.
Delete Log
Delete now
Do not delete
Specifies whether audit logs are deleted
Note: Delete Now is the factory default setting.
Configure Log
Enable Audit
Enable Remote Syslog
Remote Syslog Facility
Severity of events to log
Specifies whether and how the audit logs are created
Note: Factory default settings enable the security audit log.
Understanding printer menus 101